"When you are putting on your makeup, it's like you're an artist. But instead of painting on a canvas, you're painting a face" -Burlesque.
Not only is that a quote from my favorite movie, but it is my favorite passion. I have become so interested and amazed with the power of makeup as an art as well as learning the techniques and differences in products... you become who you want to appear as. This goes along with clothing as well. Fashion is also one of my passions.
"How you present yourself is how you will be addressed."
Growing up, I never had a "hobby" or a "passion", yeah I cheered through school, but I didn't extend my career like most athletes... I was never into skateboarding, magic, excessive reading, video games... nothing. It started to really bother me to the point where it became a trigger of my depression. But I found my passion when college came around... out of nowhere, and it grew rapidly. I became obsessed. Fashion and makeup is all I could think of, it also turned out to be my safe haven when something was bothering me or when I just couldn't sleep or focus on anything else. So, I decided to hit full speed, because why wouldn't you when you truly love something? I decided to do my research, played around with what I had to teach myself, watch YouTube makeup artist videos (become obsessed with these artists to where I think they are my biffs, yeah..), threw all of my makeup away and got all new products (this made my boyfriend at the time furious, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do, right?). Some might think this is a silly passion, or it's not even a passion at all... but it's my motivation. I am aware that I'm not the best at what I do, but I'm working towards it. I am still learning, I will always be learning and that excites me! I care about what I wear, I care about how I appear, not for other's opinions, but for my personal satisfaction. I get made fun of for dressing up everyday to my college classes or wearing a full face of makeup everyday or being a devoted reader of my fashion magazines; cutting articles and photography out or having Pinterest board full of my fashion fantasies, but through this I've realized that this is what I want to fully do in life. They always say "make a career out of something you love and you'll never work a day in your life", so here I come!
If you find something you love, go for it! Who caresssss about what people think, who caresssss if you believe it's far fetched, nothing is far fetched if you really set your mind to it. You can always do anything you truly want to. I am a firm believer of this. Find out how to get there and focus on only that. People always ask why I'm single or they are confused when I say I'm not interested in looking for a partner or even want one, it's because of this reason alone... I am finally focused on me, getting to where I want to be, and not stopping until I get there. I'm bad about putting too much into others and only depending on them for happiness or success, let me tell you right now, you do notttt need someone to provide happiness or help reach success for you, you are a strong individual with a great head on your shoulders- make yourself happy and go for whatever it is in life, don't go looking for someone, once you are on the right track and making progress, the perfect person for you will just appear! This is something I also truly believe in. Haven't found your passion yet? That's completely fine too, it'll come to you, but you have to get out there- try new things- explore outside of your cell phone or laptop- be content with yourself- FIND YOURSELF and LOVE YOURSELF!!! If you can't love yourself, no one else can. Surround yourself with *positive people, negativity is such a toxic factor that will instantly pull and tug at you no matter if you fall into it or not.
Have a great week, lovelies, make this week YOUR week.
See you tomorrow, maybe?
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